Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about Telegram

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Telegram subscriber packages consist of real users. For safe interaction, arrangements have been made so that users will not be harmed. Regular controlled progress is provided for Telegram subscriber transactions. Packages consisting of real accounts will ensure that your profile is not damaged. Subscriber packages and other package features do not damage your account and are incomprehensible. 

Telegram page subscriber will help you gain new subscribers, followers and group followers. Channel subscribers, which are effective in the growth of the Telegram group, make your account look secure because they consist of real people. 

Subscriber packages consisting of real users are organized according to 100% Telegram Real users. Your Telegram account is provided in a way that will not be damaged. Auto-completed subscribers refresh the image of your Telegram account with real users. 

Telegram follower packages are 100% real user and there will be no drop. In case of a drop, the user is notified with a 1% probability. The process is completed with the tracking system applied to prevent sudden drops after the transaction. 1% rate drops are equivalent to 1 subscriber and 2 subscribers, there are no sudden and large drops. 

In subscriber transactions, which are regulated as Telegram usage rights, even if you have 1 million members, when your number of members exceeds 200, you can only see the last 200 subscribers, you cannot see all members. Subscriber number regulations and viewing operations are due to the Telegram application's own features.

When the reason for canceling your Telegram package orders is to meet the package specifications, you can complete your cancellation transactions from the live support section. Unfortunately, your order cannot be canceled once the installation starts. 

Your Telegram subscriber packages can be completed between 1 hour and 48 hours. The vast majority of the package subject to organic processing time are packages that are targeted to be completed within 1 hour. By using Telegram channel subscriber package features, you can increase the number of subscribers of your channel in a short time. 

Telegram channel subscriber packages are sent quickly and completely. As soon as the transactions are completed, sending subscribers to your Telegram channel will take place within 1 minute to 10 minutes. The average time is determined as 30 minutes estimated time.

You need to share links to increase your Telegram subscriber count. By choosing from the channel subscriber packages, you can share the link of your Telegram account and purchase the subscriber package after confirming the payment screen. No action should be taken without making your Telegram channel public. 

You can select multiple packages for Telegram channel subscribers. Package features allow you to complete your channel subscriber selection quickly and completely. You can select the order you want according to the standard, medium and large package features at the same time. 

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Telegram package security is provided according to personal data protection and SSL certificate options. Secure payment, secure interaction and 7/24 live support services are provided. You can be sure that you can safely use viewing transactions even after the payment panel. Package contents are prepared for uninterrupted and secure transactions. 

Options are offered where you can use mobile payment options in Telegram viewing transactions. You can take advantage of the mobile payment screen for secure interaction and easy payment transactions. 

The options you will use for payment transactions are credit card, debit card and online payment methods. According to 3D secure payment options, you can make transactions in a short time without damaging your account. The package is loaded after the confirmation process on the payment screen. 

Increasing content views and subscriber views will increase the number of participants. The higher the view and engagement rate, the more new users you will be able to meet. Using subscriber features for promotion and purchase will help your profile become a phenomenon. 

View packages for Telegram channel broadcasts make it easier for new users to find you and for your channel to become a phenomenon. By increasing the speed of interaction, more users will be directed to your account when you broadcast channel broadcasts. Viewing packages for sales and monetization-oriented pages are a practical solution to achieve the desired goal. 

It is recommended to make transactions based on your Telegram page volume. You can customize the package features you can use for your account according to your engagement rates. With views from real users, it will not be understood that you are using Telegram view packages on your account. 

While the Telegram post and view package loads your account quickly, the loading speed will take a little longer with a high number of packages. Telegram post and view package is loaded between 1 minute and 10 minutes. For viewing operations, real users are transferred to your account. 

Increasing the number of Telegram post views and subscribers is ideal for you to be among the popular accounts. While it is possible to increase your popularity with the purchase of Telegram post views, you can use interaction packages that will increase your popularity even more by increasing your comments with the posts you write. 

All our Telegram view packages are for you to create a better profile, so you can increase your chances of generating revenue by buying ads. Telegram users care a lot about looking trustworthy. Views will make the profile look rich and realistic. 

We have a Telegram views package designed to suit every budget. Packages are tailored to real users and payment transactions are provided with secure interaction facilities. Buying Telegram views can be completed with affordable and secure payment transactions. 

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