Distance Sales Agreement

Distance Sales Agreement

This contract has been drawn up with reference to the obligation to conclude a contract for sales made over the internet (See: “Regulation on Implementation Procedures and Principles of Distance Contracts” published in the Official Gazette dated 27.11.2014 / numbered 29188), and the articles are as follows.



Title : Feyon DIGITAL LTD
Address : FREE PORT AND ZONE / GAZİMAĞUSA / KKTC SLBT 1122 V.No: 153002110
Website : www. feyon.com
E-mail : info@ feyon.com
Hereinafter referred to as the SELLER.

Persons who make purchases on feyon.com based on their membership information.
Hereinafter referred to as the BUYER.


2.1. The subject of this contract is in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 4077 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Distance Contracts, regarding the sale and delivery of the product, whose qualities and sales price are specified below, which the BUYER has ordered electronically from the SELLER's feyon.com website. is the determination of the rights and obligations of the parties. 2.2. The BUYER is informed about the basic characteristics of the products or services subject to sale, sales price, payment method, delivery conditions and all preliminary information about the products or services subject to sale, and the right of "withdrawal", confirms these preliminary information electronically, and then confirms the product or service. accepts and declares that it has ordered the services in accordance with the provisions of this contract. Preliminary information and invoice on the payment page of feyon.com website are integral parts of this contract.


This contract has been agreed by the parties on the date the BUYER's order on feyon.com is completed.


The details of the products and services ordered by the BUYER, the advance sales amounts including taxes and the quantity information were sent to the customer via e-mail after the order. All mentioned products are hereinafter defined as PRODUCT.


1. The PRODUCT is delivered to the e-mail or social media address specified by the BUYER on feyon.com within the period specified during the sale, this period may be shortened or extended in cases of necessity.
2. If the PRODUCT is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery.


The BUYER accepts that since the forward sales are made only with the credit cards of the Banks, he will confirm the relevant interest rates and the information about the default interest separately from the bank, and that the provisions regarding interest and default interest will be applied within the scope of the credit card agreement between the Bank and the BUYER, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force, declares and undertakes. In installment transactions, the relevant provisions of the contract signed between the BUYER and the cardholder bank are valid. The credit card payment date is determined by the contract between the bank and the BUYER. The BUYER can also track the number of installments and payments from the bank statement sent by the bank.


7.1. The BUYER accepts that he has read and learned the preliminary information about the basic characteristics, sales price, payment method and delivery of the products displayed on feyon.com and gives the necessary confirmation for the sale in the electronic environment.
7.2. BUYER; By confirming this contract electronically, he/she confirms that he/she has obtained the address to be given to the Consumer by the Seller before the conclusion of the distance contracts, the basic features of the ordered products, the price of the products including taxes, payment and delivery information accurately and completely.
7.3. The SELLER is responsible for the delivery of the contracted product in a solid, complete manner, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order, and with warranty documents and user manuals, if any.
7.4. If the SELLER fails to fulfill its contractual obligations in the event that the fulfillment of the ordered product or service becomes impossible, the SELLER shall notify the consumer of this situation before the contractual performance obligation expires and may supply the BUYER with a different product of equal quality and price, or refund the product price.
7.5. For the delivery of the product subject to the contract, this contract must have been accepted by the BUYER on the internet while the BUYER was creating an order on feyon.com, it must have been sent by the SELLER to the BUYER by e-mail, and the price must have been paid in the form of payment preferred by the BUYER. is essential. If for any reason the price of the goods is not paid or canceled in the bank records, the SELLER is deemed to be relieved of its obligation to deliver the goods.
7.6. If, for any reason, after the delivery of the PRODUCT, the Bank/financial institution to which the credit card is processed does not pay the price of the PRODUCT to the SELLER, the PRODUCT shall be returned to the SELLER by the BUYER within 3 days at the latest, with all expenses borne by the BUYER. All other contractual-legal rights of the SELLER, including the follow-up of the PRODUCT price, are reserved separately and in any case.
7.7. If the SELLER cannot deliver the contractual goods within the due time due to force majeure or extraordinary circumstances such as interruptions preventing delivery, interruption of transportation, fire, earthquake, flood, the SELLER is obliged to notify the BUYER. In this case, the BUYER may use one of the rights to cancel the order, replace the contractual product with its precedent, if any, and/or delay the delivery time until the impediment is removed. If the BUYER cancels the order, the amount paid is refunded to him in the same way he paid.
7.8. By taking advantage of any deficit (technical, etc.) of the BUYER's, SELLER's campaigns, SELLER's sales system or website, harming the SELLER, providing an unfair advantage, repetitive practices, untrue acts, requested in the campaign or sales conditions. In the event that the SELLER detects the misuse of the SELLER's campaigns, sales system or website, such as benefiting from them, despite not meeting the conditions, canceling the said transaction in addition to all the rights of the SELLER arising from the law; terminate the user's membership; has the right to terminate the sales contract unilaterally immediately.


The fact that any of the provisions of this Agreement is partially or completely invalid or unenforceable shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of the Agreement. In such a case, the Parties accept, declare and undertake that the provisions of the relevant legislation will replace the invalid provision and that the Contract will continue to stand with all applicable terms and conditions.


8.1. The SELLER undertakes that the BUYER has the right to withdraw from the contract by refusing the service, as long as he does not take delivery of the goods without taking any legal and penal liability and without giving any reason, and to take back the goods from the date the withdrawal notification reaches the SELLER or the product provider.


The BUYER declares, accepts and undertakes that the SELLER records (including the recordings in magnetic media such as computer-sound recordings) constitute conclusive evidence in the resolution of any disputes that may arise from this Agreement and/or its implementation, and that this article accepts that it is an evidential contract.


9.1. Products that cannot be returned due to their nature; Returns of disposable products, copyable software and programs, products that fall under the social media services group are not accepted.
9.2. The BUYER cannot exercise its right of withdrawal in the case of a PRODUCT that is produced in accordance with the special requests and demands of the BUYER, or that has been personalized by making changes or additions, or that cannot be returned due to its nature, that is likely to deteriorate rapidly or expire.


In the implementation of this Agreement, Consumer Arbitration Committees are authorized up to the value announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and in cases exceeding, Consumer Courts and Enforcement Offices in the settlement of the BUYER and the SELLER.


In the event that the payment for the order placed on the site is realized, the BUYER shall be deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract.

Active Customer
Total Transaction
Full Time Employee
Social Media Platform