Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about Discord

Buy Members

Server members that you can use in your Discord profile are prepared for the Discord platform, each with different profiles. It has all the features you can use according to real and bot account features. You can share your Discord server member troubles with our company. You have the chance to remove the member if necessary.

To get a Discord invitation, your profile needs to reach a large audience. It will be easier for you to get Discord invitations and reach large audiences with server members. Discord creates effective strategies for your profile to grow fast and gain members. Package contents are organized with enough content to provide the interaction you want.

Discord server members are the most advantageous packages to create a channel. With effective visible and prestigious interaction areas, you can reach large audiences in a short time. As you buy members, online users increase and contribute to your channel.

With a Discord server member, it will be easier to build a game team. New users will enrich your profile and help you stand out on the Discord platform.

Discord package contents are organized according to the Discord algorithm. It will not be noticed on the server and by users. It is not understood that the package is used, it is not seen. Packages are prepared only with user interactive codes. Connection with different process areas cannot be established.

SSL certificate, 3D secure payment and guaranteed compensation service are provided. After purchasing a Discord server member, you can make transactions without giving a password. You perform your transactions with the Discord profile link and benefit from systems that comply with security algorithms.

Discord server member effect is high in monitoring online games and gaining new followers. You can evaluate member packages as foreign and Real for online game team building, server participation and increase.

Take advantage of package contents that offer real account features to reach the number of members consisting entirely of online users. Discord server members will increase foreign and Real user interaction and add to the rich look of your profile online.

Discord server member earns real members, views and followers. By offering an effective appearance, it will be effective in directing Discord users to your profile. Purchased members will increase prestige with different names and profile appearance and offer popular profile features. Server member support packages are effective in connecting with your target audience with Real and foreign package contents.

Buy Friend Requests

Discord packages are organized with security codes and algorithms. Transactions are made through the personal data protection law, privacy policy and 3D secure payment options. You can make unencrypted purchases without giving your Discord profile information, only by providing a profile link.

There are no algorithms and regulations that can damage your Discord profile. Security measures are taken and transactions are completed smoothly. The account will not be closed, the profile will not be damaged and Discord users will not realize that you are using the package service.

After making your Discord friend request package selection, you can make your 3D secure payment transactions. Package interactions are provided within 1 minute to 30 minutes. After the purchase, you will be directed to your profile by interacting immediately.

Designs that negatively affect Discord users are not allowed. Services are available to benefit the user. No incomprehensible, indelible and sudden drops. Compensation for possible losses is guaranteed. Your existing users will not suffer, plus Discord users will come to your profile.

Attention should be paid to the security algorithms in the friend request package. Edits that will damage the user's profile are not used by our company. Package contents and arrangements are as in the content section. They are user supported packages.

You can choose Discord friend request packages according to foreign, Real, real and bot account features. Package contents are organized according to the interaction features that the user wants to provide to his profile. Bot and real account selection is left to the user.

Measures have been taken against friend request drops. Guaranteed compensation service is provided in case of possible drops. It is very difficult to experience drops in request packages for bot and real accounts. In case of a drop, instant compensation service is activated and the process is completed without inconsistent appearance on your profile.

Packages designed around Discord's algorithms include arrangements where users will not know that you have purchased a package. It is incomprehensible to any program, server or process. Your support package remains private. It increases your profile visibility, but provides security against users and the Discord algorithm. Processes and packages are not visible to servers.

The more Discord friends you have, the shorter the process of becoming a popular account. It also contributes greatly to the viewership rates that you can quickly enter among popular profiles. The effective friend request package for increasing your viewing rates is effective for you to become one of the popular profiles.

It is effective in making your Discord profile stand out. Potential Discord users will be directed to your profile as it will gain prestige. Advantageous interaction effect will gain followers and views. Discord dating packages for potential users offer compatible package contents. Foreign and Real users will be directed to your profile.

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