Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about Clubhouse

Buy Followers

For payment transactions, you can create a preference from the 3D secure payment panel. By pressing the Clubhouse follower package tab, use the "buy" phrase. After the transaction, you can pay by credit card, debit card, online payment and mobile payment.

Once the registration process is completed, you will be invited to two rooms and once the rooms are active, they can be used to open at least 1 more club. You cannot become a Clubhouse participant until the invitation process is completed. Invitations based on references are allowed to be made once.

The Clubhouse invitation is presented as a link to a phone call for inviting new users and allows the person to register after a referral. Without using the Clubhouse invitation format, it is not possible for users to join.

Through the administrator or club founder, to make an invitation, using the mail section, the invite people preference is made and a phone call is made and the invited person can become a member by downloading the link. Clubhouse has the feature of an application with an invitation model. It is possible to receive invitations through the administrator and club founder.

It may take some time to open a club for the Clubhouse. You can request an application form and send it for club creation. You will then be able to create a club if you are found eligible.

You only need to share a link to use Clubhouse follower packages. There is no need for passwords and similar information, and the process is carried out by paying attention to the law on the protection of personal data. By paying attention to the Clubhouse follower package regulations, you can ensure that the followers are uploaded to your account by sharing your link.

The accounts in Clubhouse follower packages consist of 100% real users. While increasing your number of followers, care is taken to make your profile look reliable and realistic. Our teammates are increasing day by day for the use of Clubhouse follower packages consisting of 100% real users.

While Clubhouse offers an organic usage area to prevent follower drops, a tracking system is also included. By including reliable algorithms and software, the number of followers is not allowed to drop suddenly, arrangements are made to keep it constant. There is always a 1% risk of dropping.

If you take advantage of Clubhouse follower packages, it will not be noticed because it will be the result of an organic process. Followers do not come to your profile suddenly, they come with a natural appearance. In this way, you will benefit from the package features without being noticed.

Increasing your Clubhouse followers will increase your image and prestige on the Clubhouse platform as it does on many other platforms. You will gain new followers in the application, and as your number of followers increases, new likes and club members will start to come to your profile.

Buy Room Visitors

You can pay for Clubhouse room visit packages with 3D secure payment options. You can complete the transactions with the confirmation code application according to credit card, debit card, online payment and mobile payment options. After payment is received, visitors will be transferred to your account.

Clubhouse room visit package can be loaded when there is an opening according to the visit area to which the link is given. You will join the Clubhouse room immediately after you make your payment transactions, room visits will start between 1 minute and 10 minutes.

Drop-in voice chat, also known as drop-in chat, is a location chat through Clubhouse and can be used to join in the fun from anywhere. With the Drop In option, the voice chat feature can be used to continue the fun room visits.

If you have a website, there may be posts about your website, there may be music topics. You can talk about anything you want within the framework of the rules. Many topics can be put on the agenda in the Clubhouse application. Topics can be determined together with visitors on current topics and broadcast with guests.

Trying hands is getting permission from the chat room moderator to join or talk. Clubhouse is an application with the right to join the room by invitation and to share in order to invite new visitors to join. After joining the room, participants can use try hands to join the conversation.

After delivery, you can make the desired adjustments to your schedule by tapping the calendar schedule and + icon in the drop-down menu. You can also make adjustments in the settings section to plan the Clubhouse room structure and follow the instructions shown to you.

You only need to share links in the package features you will use for Clubhouse room visits. By sharing the link before your payment transactions, you can continue the transactions without a password. Clubhouse room visit package is prepared in accordance with SSL certificate and personal data protection law.

Clubhouse room visit packages are used organically. In this process, it will not be understood that you are using package features to increase the number of room visits. The package features you will use to increase the number of visitors will not leave any bad impression on your profile.

Increases in the number of Clubhouse room visits will also increase the number of new likes and follows. The popularity of programs with more visitors will also increase, increasing your chances of reaching a larger audience. To make your Clubhouse profile look rich and prestigious, you need to increase the number of visitors.

There will be no sudden drops and increases in the number of visitors to the Clubhouse rooms purchased. A decrease is shown as a 1% risk. Apart from this, package arrangements are included so that it will be permanent like all visitors. Safe room visit is provided without sudden drops.

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